10 Interview Questions Every Employer Must Ask And What To Look For In Their Answers.
In order to find the right fit for the job, it is crucial to ask the right kind of questions. There are a set of inevitable questions, every interview must include. These questions help reveal the candidate’s personality, strengths, weaknesses, skills and abilities. Interview questions help the interviewer know more about the candidate than what is said on their resume.
Ensure to include these 10 golden questions in your interview and assess them effectively to find the perfect fit for the job:
Question 1: Why do you want to work for our organization?
This question is a must and candidates should have considered this beforehand. This shows how much they know about the company and how well they have understood the role. The interviewer must gauge how well the candidate has prepared to answer this. They must be able to properly communicate their research of the company rather than mentioning a few words from the 'About Us' page.
Question 2: Tell us an achievement you are proud of
Employers must see what kind of achievement the candidate has chosen to speak of. They should be able to ascertain whether the candidate is trying to come off as arrogant or is underselling himself. The employer must also make sure that the answer is in synchronization with the job profile and its requirements. Each profile varies when it comes to requirements, thus the interviewer must assess the answer accordingly.
Question 3: Tell us about a time you made a mistake
This question requires the candidate to speak of their weaknesses. Thus, the interviewer must notice if the candidate is owning to his mistakes or shifting the blame onto others. If a candidate cracks under the pressure of answering this question, it’s a fair indication that the similar thing might happen during a time of crisis at work. Employers must look for signs of self-awareness and the ability to learn from mistakes.
Question 4: What is the biggest decision you have had to make in the past year? Why was it so big?
The employer must look at the decision-making skills of the candidate in the answer to this question. Were they fast at making the big decision? Or did they take their time to decide? This will help in understanding how they deal with tough choices.
Question 5: What made you leave your previous job?
With this question, the interviewer must ascertain how the candidate approaches this question. A negative answer, blaming the organization would definitely be a red flag. The interviewer must notice whether the candidate left the job for a valid reason or an inconsequential one.
Question 6: How would your previous manager or coworkers describe you?
This question requires the candidates to speak genuinely of themselves. A fabricated answer to this question would only create a bad impression of the candidate. Hence, the interviewer must try and gauge whether the candidate is answering truthfully or not.
Question 7: Name two things that would be vital for you in your ideal job, and why?
This will help the employer understand what the candidate actually wants. The candidate will answer keeping their priorities in mind.
Question 8: Describe your usual role while working in a group
The employer must assess how the candidate feels about working in a group. Have they spoken about it positively? Have they mentioned making a significant contribution while working with others? These are vital points to look into, as teamwork is a necessary skill.
Question 9: Tell us something you are passionate about.
A candidate must show passion for at least one thing, this indicates how interested they are. The employer must look for signs in order to tell whether the candidate can show similar passion and enthusiasm for the job.
Question 10: Do you have any questions for us?
An enthusiastic candidate will have a set of questions ready to ask. These questions will reveal how they will fit into the position and the work culture. Interviewers must look out for signs of whether they are willing to go the extra mile and are confident enough to communicate with others.