Corporates Versus Startups: The Ground Reality.
When it comes to success and happiness in one’s career, it has a lot more to do with than just the kind of work you’re doing. The environment and culture one is working in is of utmost importance. Growth potential varies depending on how the individual is able to cope in the surrounding work environment.
One such difference can be seen in the classic corporate and startup clash. When it comes to culture these two lie at the opposite ends of the spectrum. While startups offer a less structured and casual environment, corporates have a more organized and formal one. At the surface they both seem appealing but the reality is not as it seems.
Though they both aid growth and development in one’s career, working for either is not everyone’s cup of tea.
Working for a startup: The harsh reality
• Lack of structure
This might seem inviting initially, but it is not easy to work without a structure. Startups may not have experienced leaders, which can lead to overall uncertainty. This also leads to lack of definition of roles and procedures. You might have been hired due to your skills and expertise of a certain area but working in a startup requires you to do all sorts of work. This leads to overall confusion and lack of a framework.
• Instability and uncertainty
The biggest risk of working with a startup is the chance that it might fail. 75% of startups fail and thus there is only a 25% chance of the company making it. While working for a startup, there is no knowing what the future has in store. There might be unexpected lows that can be disheartening.
• Less pay with long working hours
An incentive to work for longer is a higher pay and startups do not provide any such incentive. They lack a long-term financial opportunity. Working for a startup means putting in long hours for hardly any pay. The likelihood of striking it rich through equity is very small. This can be a huge downfall and lead to job dissatisfaction.
Working for a corporate: The harsh reality
• Corporate standards
Large organizations and corporates have a set of standards for every employee to follow. These might be difficult to adapt to. Reaching office at a certain time, formally dressed and on the ball everyday can be challenging.
• Office politics
While working in a corporate, one needs to be on a constant lookout for any mistakes one makes. Colleagues will be quick to point out mistakes and take the opportunity to make your manager aware of your incompetency. Thus, working in a corporate requires one to always be aware of what one is doing.
• Large teams
Corporates have more employees and larger groups working on one project. This means it’s difficult to be heard as an individual. You need to go the extra mile to stand out while working on projects. It is difficult to work in bigger teams as it also might imply more clashes and disagreements between team members.
• The last section can be a short description of your personal interests and hobbies
The grass is always greener on the other side - Working for a corporate or a startup varies in terms of the work culture. They both are responsible for helping an individual grow and learn a lot. But the grass always seems greener on the other side. Those working in a regimented corporate might want to move to a less structured startup and vice-versa.